Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Failed asylum seeker to appeal yet again

A Sligo-based woman who lost a challenge to her deportation this morning has indicated her intention to appeal her case to the Supreme Court.

Pamela Izevbekhai claimed her two young daughters, Naomi (7) and Jemima (6), would be at risk of serious harm due to female genital mutilation if returned to Nigeria.

Speaking after the judgement was delivered at the High Court this morning, Ms Izevbekhai said she was 'disappointed' but said the judgement wasn't unexpected.

Ms Izevbekhai said she will now appeal the case to the Supreme Court.



Hail Ireland ! said...

So she is appealing again, what a waste of taxpayers money for this to be allowed to happen.

Why not just have one court and one chance of appeal to deal with these situations.

I'm sure high court and supreme court judges have more important cases to hear, and I'm sure, in this time of recession, the Irish peoples money should be used for more important purposes.

Anonymous said...

Ireland is broke time to cop on.